约翰亚当斯, 亚当斯,阿比盖尔
我最亲爱的朋友 巴黎 9月. 10. 17831

We have received from Congress a Resolution by which We are to be impowered to negotiate a Treaty of Commerce with G. B. 我自己,先生. 富兰克林和先生. 松鸦. 这个冬天我要留在欧洲. 如果这封信及时到达, 你可以和纳比小姐今年秋天来找我, 我将非常高兴见到你. But Still Things are so unsettled in Congress that you may expect to return with me in the Spring. 你可以来伦敦、阿姆斯特丹或东方, to either of which Places I will soon go to receive you after hearing of your Arrival.

It is 然而 attended with so many Inconveniences that I must submit it to your Discretion with the Advice of your Friends whether to come this Fall, or stay till Spring and then come in Case Things should not be so altered as to oblige me to came home then to you.2 我已经写得更详细了. Thaxter who sails the 20 of this Month from L'Orient, in the French Packet to New York. 如果你来 239把男孩留在他们的学校,带一个女仆和一个男仆. 把这个地方交给医生保管. 塔夫斯还是你父亲.3 约翰很好.

你的不倦地 J. 亚当斯

RC (亚当斯的论文).


JA 写了 AA 另一封信 这个日期,也在 亚当斯的论文,内容几乎相同. 这两封信都没有署名. Both evidently went directly to Boston, perhaps in the same ship. 很可能 JA 包括一封他写给 理查德嘎吱嘎吱的声音,另一张写着他的信 棉塔夫茨 (这两个日期,如下). AA 11月20日,我至少收到了一封,也可能是两封. (见 AA to JA , AA to JQA 11月20日.下面的,).


JA concludes his 其他 letter of this date with the sentence: “If Affairs should require my stay an其他 Summer in Europe I shall insist upon your coming at least in the Spring.”


在他当天的另一封信中, JA 指示:“离开 . . . 你昆西叔叔照管的农场. 塔夫斯,你的父亲. 枝条或其他好Friend.”