
“Summer flowers … sprung from the earth in such haste 和 abundance as to tell of infinite treasures beneath”: the 布鲁克农场水彩画 of 玛丽安德怀特




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    This elegant volume featuring twenty watercolor sketches from nature 和 two contemporary views of 布鲁克农场 was created by 玛丽安德怀特 during her time at 布鲁克农场 in West Roxbury, 麻萨诸塞州. 德怀特画花, 鸟, 还有秋叶, which in 1845 were gathered into books to be sold for the benefit of the community. The entire volume is available for browsing online; (please follow the available links).


    玛丽安·德怀特于1816年4月4日出生,是爱德华·路德·金博士的女儿. 约翰·德怀特和玛丽·德怀特. Her father was a graduate of Harvard College (Class of 1800) 和 had studied for the ministry before becoming a physician in Boston. 1844年. 德怀特和他的家人, 包括成年子女约翰·沙利文, 玛丽安, 弗朗西丝·艾伦住在布鲁克农场. John Sullivan Dwight taught music 和 Latin classes assisted by his sister 玛丽安, but she soon found another occupation to fill her days 和 bring much needed cash into the community.


    All members of the 布鲁克农场 community were expected to contribute to the whole through their labors 和 women were no exception. 据斯特林·德拉诺说, 玛丽安德怀特, 她的母亲玛丽, 创始人索菲亚·里普利, 和其他妇女建立了一个“花式小组”来制作“帽子”, cap-tabs, 项圈, 斗篷, under-sleeves, 和其他类似的物品”在波士顿出售. 德怀特通知了她的朋友安娜·Q. T. Parsons that the enterprise brought "considerable money" into the community. But by 1845, painting was to occupy many of her waking hours at 布鲁克农场.

    1845年2月, 玛丽安写信给她的朋友安娜, “我一直很忙, painting six or seven hours a day … I have more dem和s for lampshades 和 other fancy things than I can at present supply." Chronicler of 布鲁克农场 Lindsay Swift noted that dem和 for Dwight's watercolors was high 和 it was "not unusual for her to spend eight hours a day in her little studio at the Pilgrim House, autumn leaves supplying her with material for work when the flowers had passed by.“确实, 到那年秋天, she had hatched a plan to create books like the one featured here, 给帕森斯的信, "I have now a plan … of making some little books for sale … They are to be picture books—wild flowers, 鸟, 我还不知道会有什么变化."


    对玛丽安来说,布鲁克农场的生活并不全是艰苦的工作. 1845年8月, she wrote to her friend Anna assuring her that "our friend shall not have the honor of preventing me from writing to you … you speak of a crisis of which I do not think—or if such a thought comes, 我驱逐它." The friend of whom she wrote was a fellow resident of 布鲁克农场, 约翰·奥维斯(1816-1897)和11月, 给安娜的信暗示他已经向玛丽安求婚了, although 玛丽安 does not write of "those subjects now of the deepest moment to me," preferring to save those topics for a face to face conversation. John Orvis 和 玛丽安德怀特 were married at 布鲁克农场 on Christmas Eve 1846 by William Henry Channing. Although theirs was the only wedding actually performed at 布鲁克农场, 约翰·托马斯·柯德曼在他的 布鲁克农场:历史和个人回忆录 that he knew of fourteen marriages that emanated from friendships established at 布鲁克农场, “他们中间没有不幸的婚姻."


    The Dwight family remained at 布鲁克农场 until October 1847. 社团解散后, 玛丽安 和 John Orvis settled in Jamaica Plain 和 had two children: Christel, 生于1848年, 和海伦, 生于1850年. John Orvis continued his career as a lecturer for reform causes 和 for a time sold sewing machines; he also served as the president of the New Engl和 Equity Insurance Co. 约翰·奥维斯于1897年去世,比玛丽安早四年. The two are buried in Forest Hills Cemetery in Jamaica Plain.


    西罗克斯伯里布鲁克农场的乌托邦社区, 麻萨诸塞州, was founded in 1841 by former Unitarian minister George Ripley 和 his wife Sophia as an experiment in cooperative living inspired by Transcendentalist philosophy. 这个社区的居民共同从事农活, 教育, 和 other labor—men 和 women alike were paid for their work 和 participants could largely choose their occupation. Unfortunately, financial 和 other problems plagued 布鲁克农场 from the beginning. The 192 acres of l和 purchased by Ripley were unsuited to agriculture (和 many of the residents were unused to agricultural work); smallpox hit the community in 1845; 和 in 1846 fire destroyed the Phalanstery, 布鲁克农场一座即将完工的大型建筑. These 和 other issues led to the community's dissolution in March of 1847. The property 和 buildings were sold at auction in 8月 of that year.


    除了玛丽安·德怀特的水彩画, the 麻萨诸塞州 Historical Society has a number of 布鲁克农场 related artifacts. These include a cane cut 和 carved at 布鲁克农场 by resident William Butterfield 和 given to his brother Jonathan; a doll belonging to members of the Codman 和 Butterfield families; 和 a 白镴油灯 attributed to Ephraim Capen, the only known pewterer to join 布鲁克农场.

    The Society also has two contemporary paintings of 布鲁克农场 by artist Josiah Wolcott: 布鲁克农场彩虹溪农场.



    这个og体育官网, 由卫生部持有, includes records of the activities of 布鲁克农场 as well as letters from 玛丽安德怀特 (later Orvis) to her friend Anna Q. T. Parsons (with a few in return) 和 to Dwight's brother Frank, describing the daily life at the farm.

    柯德曼,约翰·托马斯. 布鲁克农场:历史和个人回忆录. 波士顿:Arena Publishing, 1894.

    德拉诺,斯特林F. 布鲁克农场:乌托邦的黑暗面. Cambridge, Mass: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2004.

    本杰明·W·德怀特. The History of the Descendants of John Dwight of Dedham, Mass.,卷. 2. 纽约:约翰. 相信 & 儿子,1874.

    迈尔森,乔尔. 布鲁克农场:一个注释书目和资源指南. 纽约:Garl和酒吧., 1978. 

    This bibliography contains a detailed account of MHS’s 布鲁克农场 records including an item-by-item inventory of the 玛丽安德怀特-Anna Q. T. 帕森斯的信件.

    奥维斯,玛丽安·德怀特. 来自布鲁克农场的信. 1844-1847 N波基普西.Y.瓦萨学院,1928年.

    安妮·C·罗斯. 先验主义作为一种社会运动,1830-1950. 纽黑文:耶鲁大学出版社,1981.

    迅速、林赛. 布鲁克农场:它的成员、学者和访客. 纽约:科林斯出版社,1961年.