1843-1949; bulk: 1860-1949

Guide to the Collection

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Restrictions on Access

Use of the originals is restricted. 这个系列是彩色数字复制品(见下面的链接)。.

Collection Summary


这个收藏包括老年有色人种之家的记录 妇女,一个成立于1860年的慈善组织,为老年人和穷人提供服务 African-American women in Boston. 记录包括财务记录,捐赠者名单,委员会 笔记,对女性帮助的描述,董事会会议记录,并印刷年度 reports.

Historical Sketch

老年有色妇女之家是由Rev. James Freeman Clarke, his mother Rebecca Parker Clarke, and Rev. Leonard A. 波士顿第十二浸信会教堂的格兰姆斯. They first 在纽约的一次会议上,讨论了为年老和贫困的非洲裔美国妇女建立家园的想法 vestry of Clarke's church in 1860. John A. 出席会议的安德鲁提议 当时所采取的捐款是为了满足已知妇女的迫切需要 to Rev. Grimes and Mrs. 克拉克,并成立了一个委员会来决定最合适的方法 of providing for these women in the long term. 委员会建议正式建立一个家庭 成立后,他们呼吁订户为这个项目提供资金. The subscribers first 1860年1月18日举行会议,选出了一个管理委员会,以确保财产的安全,聘请一位女管家,并 oversee the Home's operations. 董事会征求入学申请,1860年4月 10名妇女搬进了位于波士顿南萨克街65号的“家园”. Many of the original residents 他们以前都是奴隶,很少有人在波士顿有家人能给他们提供足够的照顾 them. 虽然已经建立了类似的私人机构来支持老年白人妇女 在波士顿,没有人会接纳黑人女性,不管她们的社会地位如何. The following 8月,养老院搬到了波士顿默特尔街27号.

老年有色妇女之家成立于1864年3月4日,其使命是提供 受人尊敬的非裔美国女性,年龄在60岁及以上,有一个家庭提供支持 照顾他们的晚年生活或经济援助,使他们能够独立生活或与他人生活 family members in the city of Boston. 由于不断发展的家庭需求,特别是与 考虑到空间,结构安全和现代卫生,该组织购买和 翻修了汉考克街22号的一所房子,1900年9月,居民们搬进了他们的新居 accommodations.

后来,该组织由一组民选官员和一个管理委员会指导 called the Board of Directors. 该组织的第一批官员是博士. LeBaron Russell, president; Nathaniel G. Chapin, treasurer; Anna Loring, secretary; and Dr. Calvin G. Page, physician. 此外,一组轮流的“访客”将监督“家园”的运作 并确保居民得到良好的待遇,设施得到良好的维修. Finally, 委员会监督更具体的行政职能,如家庭的入学,家庭的入学 采购和分配物资,雇用人员,确保财产安全. Funding came in 一次性捐赠、年度捐赠或个人计划捐赠的形式 estates.

养老院的工作人员包括一位护士长、一位护士和几个仆人. Residents were called “囚犯”,并被要求充分参与家庭活动,包括晨祷 and housework (as able). 除了为多达20名妇女提供住所外 “家庭之家”还通过每月提供资金来帮助老年黑人妇女 他们要么独立生活,要么帮助家人供养他们.

到1915年,“家园”已经发展到容纳19名居民,另外还有58名妇女 接受外部援助,每月2美元到12美元不等. By the 1940s, the number of residents 急剧下降,1944年该组织选择关门,尽管董事会 董事们继续用他们的资金支持接受外部援助的黑人老年妇女. The 1949年的年度报告是该组织发布的最后一份报告.


MacCarthy, Esther. "The Home for Aged Colored Women, 1861-1944." Historical Journal of Massachusetts 21 (Winter 1993): 55-73.

Collection Description

这个收藏包含了老年有色人种之家的行政和财务记录 Women in Boston, Mass. Administrative records include published annual reports; meeting minutes and other records of the Board of Managers (later called the Board of Directors); monthly visitor reports describing the condition of the Home and its residents; lists of gifts and donations to the Home; and a brief nurse's log (1910-1912). Records from the committees of 招生和供应主要侧重于申请人和最终居民的描述 ,包括他们的个人经历,初始条件,建议 入院人数,住院病人在疗养院获得的用品,以及死亡日期. Correspondence is 主要涉及财务事宜,特别是遗产规划和分配规划 donations of money and property. 一些信件讨论了家庭的申请者.

财务记录包括捐赠者遗产记录的副本,主要从1843年到1876年,每天 从1860年到1940年记录家庭开支的账簿,以及年度财务报告 from 1932 to 1937. 大部分记录都是og体育平台家园活跃的年份 (1860-1949),但一些捐赠遗产记录可追溯到1843年.

Acquisition Information


Restrictions on Access

Use of the originals is restricted. 这个系列是彩色数字复制品(见下面的链接)。.

Other Formats


Detailed Description of the Collection

I. Administrative records, 1860-1949digital content

A. Annual reports, 1860-1949digital content

这个子系列包括家庭的印刷副本 Annual Report of the Board of Managers 1860年至1865年的年度报告,以及“董事会年度报告” Directors" for the years 1866-1949. 委员会1月份的会议上提出了报告 board of managers or directors. 1860年至1873年的合订本包括印刷版的 Act of Incorporation and By-Laws for the Home. Also included in this series is an 1864 manuscript copy of the Act of Incorporation.

i. Loose reports, 1860-1949digital content

Arranged chronologically.

Box 1Folder 1digitized
Loose reports, 1860, 1861, 1863, 1864
Box 1Folder 2digitized
Act of Incorporation, 1864
Box 1Folder 3digitized
Loose reports, 1865-1868
Box 1Folder 4digitized
Loose reports, 1870, 1872
Box 1Folder 5digitized
Loose reports, 1874-1876
Box 1Folder 6digitized
Loose reports, 1877, 1878, 1880
Box 1Folder 7digitized
Loose reports, 1881-1883
Box 1Folder 8digitized
Loose reports, 1884-1886
Box 1Folder 9digitized
Loose reports, 1887-1889
Box 1Folder 10digitized
Loose reports, 1890-1892
Box 1Folder 11digitized
Loose reports, 1893-1895
Box 1Folder 12digitized
Loose reports, 1896-1899
Box 1Folder 13digitized
Loose reports, 1900-1902
Box 1Folder 14digitized
Loose reports, 1904, 1906, 1908
Box 1Folder 15digitized
Loose reports, 1909
Box 1Folder 16digitized
Loose reports, 1910-1912
Box 1Folder 17digitized
Loose reports, 1913-1915
Box 1Folder 18digitized
Loose reports, 1916-1917
Box 1Folder 19digitized
Loose reports, 1919, 1921, 1922
Box 1Folder 20digitized
Loose reports, 1923-1924
Box 1Folder 21digitized
Loose reports, 1925-1926
Box 1Folder 22digitized
Loose reports, 1927-1928
Box 2Folder 1digitized
Loose reports, 1929-1930
Box 2Folder 2digitized
Loose reports, 1932, 1933, 1937
Box 2Folder 3digitized
Loose reports, 1939-1941
Box 2Folder 4digitized
Loose reports, 1942-1943
Box 2Folder 5digitized
Loose reports, 1944-1945
Box 2Folder 6digitized
Loose reports, 1946-1949

ii. Bound volumes, 1861-1928digital content

Arranged chronologically.

Box 2Vol. 1digitized
Box 2Vol. 2digitized
Box 2Vol. 3digitized
Box 2Vol. 4digitized

B. Board of Directors' records, 1860-1940digital content

Arranged chronologically.

这个子系列包含了董事会(1860-1868)和随后的董事会的记录 Board of Directors (1869-1940) for the Home. Records primarily consist of minutes of the 公司年会、董事会月度会议和季度报告. 包括点名名单,委员会和财务报告,对动议的决定,名单 捐款,人事提名和任命. Records before 1919 were kept in several volumes with overlapping dates. Later records are not bound.

Box 2Folder 7Vol. 5digitized
Box 3Folder 1Vol. 6digitized
Box 3Folder 2Vol. 7digitized
Box 3Folder 3Vol. 8digitized
Box 3Folder 4Vol. 9digitized
Box 4Folder 1digitized
Board of Directors, 1919
Box 4Folder 2digitized
Board of Directors, 1920
Box 4Folder 3digitized
Board of Directors, 1921
Box 4Folder 4digitized
Board of Directors, Jan. 1922
Box 4Folder 5digitized
Board of Directors, Feb.-Sep. 1922
Box 4Folder 6digitized
Board of Directors, Oct.-Dec. 1922
Box 4Folder 7digitized
Board of Directors, Jan. 1923
Box 4Folder 8digitized
Board of Directors, Feb.-Jun. 1923
Box 4Folder 9digitized
Board of Directors, Jul.-Dec. 1923
Box 4Folder 10digitized
Board of Directors, Jan. 1924
Box 4Folder 11digitized
Board of Directors, Feb.-Sep. 1924
Box 4Folder 12digitized
Board of Directors, Oct.-Dec. 1924
Box 4Folder 13digitized
Board of Directors, Jan. 1925
Box 4Folder 14digitized
Board of Directors, Feb.-May 1925
Box 4Folder 15digitized
Board of Directors, Jun.-Dec. 1925
Box 4Folder 16digitized
Board of Directors, Jan. 1926
Box 4Folder 17digitized
Board of Directors, Feb.-Aug. 1926
Box 4Folder 18digitized
Board of Directors, Oct.-Dec. 1926
Box 4Folder 19digitized
Board of Directors, Jan. 1927 (1 of 2)
Box 4Folder 20digitized
Board of Directors, Jan. 1927 (2 of 2)
Box 4Folder 21digitized
Board of Directors, Feb.-Apr. 1927
Box 4Folder 22digitized
Board of Directors, May-Aug. 1927
Box 4Folder 23digitized
Board of Directors, Oct.-Dec. 1927
Box 4Folder 24digitized
Board of Directors, Jan. 1928
Box 4Folder 25digitized
Board of Directors, Feb.-Jun. 1928
Box 4Folder 26digitized
Board of Directors, Jul.-Dec. 1927
Box 4Folder 27digitized
Board of Directors, Jan. 1929
Box 4Folder 28digitized
Board of Directors, Feb.-Apr. 1929
Box 4Folder 29digitized
Board of Directors, May-Nov. 1929
Box 4Folder 30digitized
Board of Directors, Dec. 1929-Jan. 1930
Box 4Folder 31digitized
Board of Directors, Feb.-Jun. 1930
Box 4Folder 32digitized
Board of Directors, Jul.-Dec. 1930
Box 5Folder 1digitized
Board of Directors, Jan.-May 1931
Box 5Folder 2digitized
Board of Directors, Jun.-Dec. 1931
Box 5Folder 3digitized
Board of Directors, Jan.-Apr. 1932
Box 5Folder 4digitized
Board of Directors, May-Dec. 1932
Box 5Folder 5digitized
Board of Directors, Jan.-Apr. 1933
Box 5Folder 6digitized
Board of Directors, May-Oct. 1933
Box 5Folder 7digitized
Board of Directors, Nov.-Dec. 1933
Box 5Folder 8digitized
Board of Directors, Jan.-Mar. 1934
Box 5Folder 9digitized
Board of Directors, Apr.-Oct. 1934
Box 5Folder 10digitized
Board of Directors, Nov.-Dec. 1934
Box 5Folder 11digitized
Board of Directors, Jan.-May 1935
Box 5Folder 12digitized
Board of Directors, Jun.-Dec. 1935
Box 5Folder 13digitized
Board of Directors, Jan. 1936
Box 5Folder 14digitized
Board of Directors, Feb.-Sep. 1936
Box 5Folder 15digitized
Board of Directors, Oct.-Dec. 1936
Box 5Folder 16digitized
Board of Directors, Jan.-Mar 1937
Box 5Folder 17digitized
Board of Directors, Apr.-Sep. 1937
Box 5Folder 18digitized
Board of Directors, Oct.-Dec. 1937
Box 5Folder 19digitized
Board of Directors, Jan.-Apr. 1938
Box 5Folder 20digitized
Board of Directors, May-Oct. 1938
Box 5Folder 21digitized
Board of Directors, Nov.-Dec. 1938
Box 5Folder 22digitized
Board of Directors, 1939
Box 5Folder 23digitized
Board of Directors, Jan.-Apr. 1940
Box 5Folder 24digitized
Board of Directors, May-Dec. 1940

C. Committee records, 1860-1904digital content

Arranged chronologically and by record type.

这个子系列包含了家庭委员会在招生和供应方面的记录. 招生委员会的记录可以追溯到1860年到1904年,其中包括一份名单 “家园”居民的具体规则,以及所有申请人的描述 详细说明他们的个人历史,目前的生活状况,家人的可用性 协助和入学推荐. Some deaths of applicants and residents are also noted. 供应品委员会的记录,文件购买和捐赠的供应品,如 以及每个居民收到的物品.

Box 6Folder 1digitized
Admissions committee records, ca. 1860
Box 6Folder 2Vol. 10digitized
Admissions committee records, 1860-1875
Box 6Folder 3Vol. 11digitized
Admissions committee records, 1874-1887
Box 6Folder 4Vol. 12digitized
Admissions committee records, 1876-1884
Box 6Folder 5Vol. 13digitized
Admissions committee records, 1884-1904
Box 6Folder 6Vol. 14digitized
Supply committee records, 1860-1871

D. Correspondence, 1867-1937digital content

Arranged chronologically.

这个子系列包含了从1867年到1937年与家庭管理员的通信, 主要与捐赠和订阅有关. Correspondence from 1930 to 1937 deals 主要是居民黛西·菲利普斯捐赠的她在阿宾顿的一所房子, Mass. Prominent correspondents include William E. Pike, Judge James T. Kirby, and Charles G. Willard.

Box 6Folder 7digitized
Correspondence, 1867-1872
Box 6Folder 8digitized
Correspondence, Jan.-Apr. 1873
Box 6Folder 9digitized
Correspondence, Jun.-Dec. 1873
Box 6Folder 10digitized
Correspondence, 1874-Jul. 1875
Box 6Folder 11digitized
Correspondence, Aug. 1875-1876
Box 6Folder 12digitized
Correspondence, 1882-1885
Box 6Folder 13digitized
Correspondence, 1887-1926
Box 6Folder 14digitized
Correspondence, 1930-1934
Box 6Folder 15digitized
Correspondence, Jun.-Sept. 1937
Box 6Folder 16digitized
Correspondence, Oct. 1937
Box 6Folder 17digitized
Correspondence, undated

E. Gift lists, 1877-1929digital content

Arranged chronologically.

礼物清单上注明了向“家园”捐赠的物品,如衣服、食物和服务 1877年到1886年,1919年到1929年.

Box 6Folder 18Vol. 15digitized
Box 6Folder 19Vol. 16digitized
1919-July 1923
Box 6Folder 20Vol. 17digitized
Aug. 1923-1929

F. Visitor records, 1883-1920digital content

Arranged chronologically.

访客记录包括1883年至1920年的月度报告. Written by individuals 或由董事会任命的“访客”,报告中会注明“家园”的状况 and its residents; illnesses and deaths; special events; and repairs needed for the facilities.

Box 7Folder 1Vol. 18digitized
Box 7Folder 2Vol. 19digitized
Box 7Folder 3Vol. 20digitized
Box 7Folder 4digitized
Rules for visitors, n.d.

G. Nurse's log, 1910-1912digital content

日志中包含疗养院护士记录的信息,包括病人的疾病 住院医生,处方药物和治疗计划,以及定期体重测量.

Box 7Folder 5digitized

II. Financial records, 1843-1940digital content

A. Donations, 1843-1916digital content

Arranged chronologically and by record type.

这一子系列包括捐赠之家的遗产记录,大部分与 estate of Thomas Cordis of Longmeadow; a fundraising campaign appeal (24 Nov. 1916); and a 捐款人名单及其相应捐款,包括部分捐款人名单 donations to be given to the Joy Fund (1863). 而大部分的财务记录都是og体育平台 在该馆开放的那段时间,一些遗产记录的日期早在 1843.

有关其他捐赠记录,请参阅通信系列II.D. and 家庭的日常账簿在系列一.B.

Box 7Folder 6digitized
Estate records, 1843-Jan. 1855
Box 7Folder 7digitized
Estate records, Apr. 1855-Apr. 1856
Box 7Folder 8digitized
Estate records, 1858-1859
Box 7Folder 9digitized
Estate records, 1861-1863
Box 7Folder 10digitized
Estate records, 1864-1876, 1912
Box 7Folder 11digitized
Donor list, 1863
Box 7Folder 12digitized
Fundraising appeal, Nov. 1916

B. Account books, 1860-1940digital content

Arranged chronologically.

这个子系列包含家庭开支的记录,以及捐赠和订阅 from 1860 to 1908 and from 1920 to 1940. General account ledgers include records of 收集和捐赠,支付房屋费用,收入,余额和投资. 费用账目包括每日在疗养院发生的费用清单. Also included are 韦森制衣公司的帐目记录(1864-1897). Miscellaneous accounts and 收据(1864-1915)包括服务收据、火灾保险单和未注明日期的收据 list of investments.

Box 8Folder 1Vol. 22digitized
General account ledger, 1860-1908
Box 8Folder 2Vol. 23digitized
Account of expenses, Jan. 1861-Aug. 1869
Box 8Folder 3Vol. 24digitized
Wesson clothing account, 1864-1897
Box 8Folder 4Vol. 25digitized
Account of expenses, Aug. 1869-Feb. 1873
Box 8Folder 5Vol. 26digitized
Account of expenses, Apr. 1875-Dec. 1878
Box 9Folder 1Vol. 27digitized
Account of expenses, June 1885-Dec. 1891
Box 9Folder 2Vol. 28digitized
Account of expenses, Jan. 1892-Nov. 1900
Box 9Folder 3Vol. 29digitized
Account of expenses, Dec. 1900-June 1908
Box 10Vol. 30digitized
General account ledger, 1920-1940
Box 9Folder 4digitized
Miscellaneous accounts and receipts, 1864-1915

C. Treasurer's reports, 1932-1937digital content

Arranged chronologically.

这个子系列包含1932年至1937年的年度财务报告 由惠灵顿的斯科维尔会计公司审核 & Co.

附加的财务报告可以在会议记录中找到 供第二系列的董事会和董事使用.B.

Box 9Folder 5digitized
Treasurer's reports, 1932
Box 9Folder 6digitized
Treasurer's reports, 1933
Box 9Folder 7digitized
Treasurer's reports, 1934
Box 9Folder 8digitized
Treasurer's reports, 1935
Box 9Folder 9digitized
Treasurer's reports, 1936
Box 9Folder 10digitized
Treasurer's reports, 1937

Preferred Citation


Access Terms

这个og体育官网在下列标题下进行索引 ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. 研究人员需要有关相关人员的资料; 组织或主题应该使用这些标题搜索目录.


Andrew, John A. (John Albion), 1818-1867.
Clarke, James Freeman, 1810-1888.
Clarke, Rebecca Parker.
Grimes, Leonard A. (Leonard Andrew), 1815-1873.


Account books, 1860-1940.
African American women--Charities.
Boston (Mass.)--Social conditions.
Old age homes--Massachusetts--Boston.
Older women--Massachusetts--Boston.

Materials Removed from the Collection

A photograph of the Home's 22 Hancock St. 位置已从此og体育官网中删除,并且 cataloged separately.